Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The School of the Family

Joyce Kinmont has issued a call similar to the one I had in mind.  It must be the right time.
It is time for us to rise up to the potential that is within us.  It is time for us to take responsibility for the education of ourselves and our families.  We cannot leave it solely up to "others".
The LDS Home Education Association would like to make a contribution to the upbuilding of Zion in the area of education.  For the past twenty years we have supported and encouraged homeschoolers, as we will continue to do.  Now we wish to include all families in a new proposal: In order to stregthen the family unit, reduce the allure of sin, and bring to pass an exciting new millennial culture, we urge families to become proactive in learning truth - not only the truth of the gospel itself, but God's truth in all areas of study.  We therefore suggest the establishment of a "school" of some kind in ever family in whatever way the family chooses.  This may mean just a change in the conversation at the dinner table and a new bookshelf.  It may involve an hour or two on Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons.  It is a family work, a family gathered at home, experiencing the joy of learning truth together beyond their core gospel study - although all truth is encompassed within the gospel.  It is a renewed recognition of parental responsibility and a commitment of eternal consequence.  It may require sacrifice - the very stuff of which Zion is made.
To read the full proposal, please go here.
We have been under condemnation ever since the early Saints gave up their education responsibilities to government schools.1  The Prophets warned them not to do it, and the sins have been answered upon the heads of the children to the third and fourth generations.2  That curse is finally being lifted.  The leaders of the Church are talking about education more and more.  There are so many resources available at http://www.lds.org/ that you don't even need to buy anything to give yourself and your children a great gospel education.
Education is much more than "school".  It involves a love of learning that will extend into eternity.

1. Revealed Educational Principles, by John D. Monnett
2. Celestial Education, DVD, by Michelle Stone

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Concept of Teenager

Did you know the term teenager has been in use for less than 100 years? 
"Teenage" -- the adjective -- appeared in WRITTEN English in a Canadian publication in 1921. Note that the phrase is enclosed in quotation marks, indicating the "coining" of the term. Most words are used ORALLY before they are written down.1
Yesterday I was reading a book set in 1854 for my daughter's book group.The main character has a brother, 14 years old, "who will soon be a man."2   How many of our sons are ready to be a man at age 14?  It was also common for girls to marry at age 17 in those days.  I know it was a different time, but humans have not changed that much in 150 years.
Merrilee Boyack, in The Parenting Breakthrough, says her goal is to raise children capable of moving out at age 18 and being successful adults.  She has a thorough plan for teaching this kind of independence.  One of the things that struck me was they stop giving allowance at age 12.
The February Ensign had three articles relevant to this discussion.  From a BYU-I devotional address by Kathleen H. Hughes, there is this scripture quote:
“And it came to pass that he had two sons. He gave unto the eldest the name of Nephi, and unto the youngest, the name of Lehi. And they began to grow up unto the Lord” (Helaman 3:21; emphasis added).
These boys not only grew to adulthood knowing, loving, and serving the Lord, but they stayed in that same path throughout their lives.
Are our young men, and young women, growing up unto the Lord?  Or are they growing up unto their peers?  Their video games?  Their celebrities?
Along the same lines is the article by Wendy Ulrich and Christine Packard, "That They May Grow Up in Thee".
As young singles come to understand that maturity and adulthood are marked by behavior and attitude rather than marital status, they will come to achieve a greater sense of satisfaction and purpose in their lives.

Finally, there was a glorious inset called Youth In the Old Testament, by Janet Thomas.  She pulls information from Bible dictionaries to answer this question:  What does the Old Testament tell us about what scriptural leaders accomplished as teenagers?
My favorite part is at the end.
When did the men and women of the Old Testament begin preparing for a lifetime of service to the Lord? From the scriptures we find that it was when they were young. When you are in your teens, you are old enough to learn about the Lord and do His will.
If you have not read these articles, I highly recommend them.  You can access them online at this link.
One thing I have learned when dealing with children is when you expect more from them, you get more!  I heard a talk by Glenn J. Kimber3 wherein he challenged our young men to read the Book of Mormon 30 times before their mission.  30 times!  Is that impossible?  No, certainly not.  Will it require a rearranging of priorities?  Possibly.  But imagine the eternal benefits that will come from this dedication and preparation as our children grow up unto the Lord.

1. Oxford New English Dictionary, 1921
2. Happy Birthday, Kirsten!  American Girls series
3. Expect More, Get More!  From LDS Eastern Home Educators Conference.  See his website for information.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Learning to Love Learning

If you haven't read Elder Bednar's article from the February Ensign, hurry on over to LDS.org and read it!
LDS.org - Ensign Article - Learning to Love Learning
I had lots of favorite parts, but one of my favorites is this:
“The religion embraced by the Latter-day Saints, if only slightly understood, prompts them to search diligently after knowledge. There is no other people in existence more eager to see, hear, learn, and understand truth.”
Here's a link to access the full address:  http://speeches.byu.edu/?act=viewitem&id=1777

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Math Help

A friend of mine told me of how prayer helped her teach her daughter math.  Her 7th grade daughter was really struggling with multiple-digit times multiple-digit.  She just couldn't get it.  Mom tried everything she knew, but nothing helped.  Then Mom prayed about it.  She realized that Heavenly Father knew this daughter, knew the way she learned, and knew how to help her.  And she got the answer! 
She told her daughter it was like the first row was all the kids in the family and the second row was Dad and Mom.  For example, Mom feeds Baby, wipes Sister's face, and ties Brother's shoe.  As she finishes with each child, she hands them off to Dad.  Dad changes Baby's diaper, helps Sister find her shoes, and combs Brother's hair.


Relating math to family responsibilities made the multiplication click for her Daughter!  More importantly, it helped this Mother know that Heavenly Father will help her teach her children.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Balak and Problem Solving

In Numbers 24, Balak is asking Balaam to curse Israel.  Three times he builds seven alters and offers a bullock and a ram on each alter, to petition God to curse Israel.  Three times Balaam comes back with a blessing for Israel.
I couldn't help but think, isn't there another way for Balak to get what he really wants?  I'm speculating that what he really wants is safety for himself and his people against the mighty and numerous host of Israel.  He thinks the only way to survive is for Israel to be cursed.  Couldn't he have asked just for protection?  Or asked what he needed to do to be protected, or even allied with Israel?
Then, I thought, how often are my prayers like that.  I have a problem and I can only think of one way to fix it.  So, I pray and pray, with great faith, for the Lord to do what I want.  I make offerings, promises, change the location of my praying, even go to the temple.  And yet, the thing I request is not granted.  It is certainly not that the Lord doesn't love me.
He also loved Balak.  Balak had access to a prophet.  The Lord told Balaam to tell Balak what He said.  Balak was petitioning the One True God.
Our God is an awesome God.  He sees all, knows all.  He knows better solutions to our problems than we do.  What if we were to ask for inspiration on how to solve our problems and truly open our hearts and minds to His answers? 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets...

Our goal in this life is to prove ourselves worthy to live with God again.
To live with Him, we have to be willing and able to abide by Celestial Laws.
We must know these Laws to be able to live them.
They are found in the scriptures, in the words of modern-day prophets,
and in the truths taught to us by the Holy Ghost.
"And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom;
yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom;
seek learning, even by study
and also by faith."
Doctrine & Covenants 88:118
"...Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets,
and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!"
Numbers 11:29

Living By The Spirit

Oh, I could write for days on this subject.  It has been on my mind for quite awhile.  Two links for you, one from the Chile Santiago mission president's wife about their pre-earthquake warning.  Another from a fireside by Sister Bednar about the promptings of the Spirit.
It is our greatest responsibility to teach our children to recognize the Holy Ghost.  My oldest is 9 now, and he still struggles with this.  My husband pointed out to him that it may be harder for boys to feel the Holy Ghost, because they are not as in touch with their feelings.  It was such an insight for me when he said that.  Now I can look for opportunities to help him recognize all of his feelings, in hopes that it will help him recognize when he feels the Holy Ghost.