It is time for us to rise up to the potential that is within us. It is time for us to take responsibility for the education of ourselves and our families. We cannot leave it solely up to "others".
To read the full proposal, please go here.The LDS Home Education Association would like to make a contribution to the upbuilding of Zion in the area of education. For the past twenty years we have supported and encouraged homeschoolers, as we will continue to do. Now we wish to include all families in a new proposal: In order to stregthen the family unit, reduce the allure of sin, and bring to pass an exciting new millennial culture, we urge families to become proactive in learning truth - not only the truth of the gospel itself, but God's truth in all areas of study. We therefore suggest the establishment of a "school" of some kind in ever family in whatever way the family chooses. This may mean just a change in the conversation at the dinner table and a new bookshelf. It may involve an hour or two on Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons. It is a family work, a family gathered at home, experiencing the joy of learning truth together beyond their core gospel study - although all truth is encompassed within the gospel. It is a renewed recognition of parental responsibility and a commitment of eternal consequence. It may require sacrifice - the very stuff of which Zion is made.
We have been under condemnation ever since the early Saints gave up their education responsibilities to government schools.1 The Prophets warned them not to do it, and the sins have been answered upon the heads of the children to the third and fourth generations.2 That curse is finally being lifted. The leaders of the Church are talking about education more and more. There are so many resources available at that you don't even need to buy anything to give yourself and your children a great gospel education.
Education is much more than "school". It involves a love of learning that will extend into eternity.
1. Revealed Educational Principles, by John D. Monnett
2. Celestial Education, DVD, by Michelle Stone